Source code for flask_stormpath.models

"""Custom data models."""

from flask import current_app
from six import text_type

from blinker import Namespace

from stormpath.resources.account import Account
from stormpath.resources.provider import Provider

stormpath_signals = Namespace()
user_created = stormpath_signals.signal('user-created')
user_updated = stormpath_signals.signal('user-updated')
user_deleted = stormpath_signals.signal('user-deleted')

[docs]class User(Account): """ The base User object. This can be used as described in the Stormpath Python SDK documentation: """ def __repr__(self): return u'User <"%s" ("%s")>' % (self.username or, self.href)
[docs] def get_id(self): """ Return the unique user identifier (in our case, the Stormpath resource href). """ return text_type(self.href)
[docs] def is_active(self): """ A user account is active if, and only if, their account status is 'ENABLED'. """ return self.status == 'ENABLED'
[docs] def is_anonymous(self): """ We don't support anonymous users, so this is always False. """ return False
[docs] def is_authenticated(self): """ All users will always be authenticated, so this will always return True. """ return True
def save(self): """ Send signal after user is updated. """ return_value = super(User, self).save() user_updated.send(self, user=self) return return_value def delete(self): """ Send signal after user is deleted. """ return_value = super(User, self).delete() user_deleted.send(self, user=self) return return_value @classmethod def create(self, email, password, given_name, surname, username=None, middle_name=None, custom_data=None, status='ENABLED'): """ Create a new User. Required Parameters ------------------- :param str email: This user's unique email address. :param str password: This user's password, in plain text. :param str given_name: This user's first name (Randall). :param str surname: This user's last name (Degges). Optional Parameters ------------------- :param str username: If no `username` is supplied, the `username` field will be set to the user's email address automatically. Stormpath users can log in with either an `email` or `username` (both are interchangeable). :param str middle_name: This user's middle name ('Clark'). :param dict custom_data: Any custom JSON data you'd like stored with this user. Must be <= 10MB. :param str status: The user's status (*defaults to 'ENABLED'*). Can be either 'ENABLED', 'DISABLED', or 'UNVERIFIED'. If something goes wrong we'll raise an exception -- most likely -- a `StormpathError` (flask.ext.stormpath.StormpathError). """ _user = current_app.stormpath_manager.application.accounts.create({ 'email': email, 'password': password, 'given_name': given_name, 'surname': surname, 'username': username, 'middle_name': middle_name, 'custom_data': custom_data, 'status': status, }) _user.__class__ = User user_created.send(self, user=_user) return _user @classmethod
[docs] def from_login(self, login, password): """ Create a new User class given a login (`email` or `username`), and password. If something goes wrong, this will raise an exception -- most likely -- a `StormpathError` (flask.ext.stormpath.StormpathError). """ _user = current_app.stormpath_manager.application.authenticate_account(login, password).account _user.__class__ = User return _user
@classmethod def from_google(self, code): """ Create a new User class given a Google access code. Access codes must be retrieved from Google's OAuth service (Google Login). If something goes wrong, this will raise an exception -- most likely -- a `StormpathError` (flask.ext.stormpath.StormpathError). """ _user = current_app.stormpath_manager.application.get_provider_account( code = code, provider = Provider.GOOGLE, ) _user.__class__ = User return _user @classmethod def from_facebook(self, access_token): """ Create a new User class given a Facebook user's access token. Access tokens must be retrieved from Facebooks's OAuth service (Facebook Login). If something goes wrong, this will raise an exception -- most likely -- a `StormpathError` (flask.ext.stormpath.StormpathError). """ _user = current_app.stormpath_manager.application.get_provider_account( access_token = access_token, provider = Provider.FACEBOOK, ) _user.__class__ = User return _user