.. _changelog: Change Log ========== All library changes, in descending order. Version 0.4.5 ------------- **Released on April 22, 2016.** - Upgrading facebook-sdk dependency. - Providing Facebook support for hosts which require outbound HTTP proxying. - Fixing styling issue with CSS forms. Version 0.4.4 ------------- **Released on August 31, 2015.** - Upgrading the Stormpath dependency to the latest release. Version 0.4.3 ------------- **Released on August 25, 2015.** - Adding in some test fixes. - Adding in signals for user creation, updating, and deleting. - Upgrading the Stormpath library to the latest release. Version 0.4.2 ------------- **Released on June 12, 2015.** - Adding notes about ``TESTING = True`` for clarity. - Fixing error handling error in the 'forgot password' feature. If a user tried to change their password to something that didn't match the password strength rules, they'd get a 500. Version 0.4.1 ------------- **Released on May 19, 2015.** - Adding 'profile' scope as a default requested scope for Google login. This allows us to get a user's first and last name in addition to their email address. Thanks to `@stauffec `_ for the contribution! Version 0.4.0 ------------- **Released on April 15, 2015.** - Adding new setting: ``STORMPATH_REGISTRATION_REDIRECT_URL``. This lets users specify where they'd like to redirect a *newly registered user*. Version 0.3.9 ------------- **Released on March 27, 2015.** - Removing python 3 compatibility (*due to pip bug with Facebook SDK*). This will be back soon once we find a workaround. Version 0.3.8 ------------- **Released on March 26, 2015.** - Making the library 100% python 3 compatible! - Fixing issue with error messages being flashed incorrectly. Version 0.3.7 ------------- **Released on March 2, 2015.** - Fixing exception handling error during password reset when an invalid email address is entered. Thanks `@roengraft `_ for the report! Version 0.3.6 ------------- **Released on February 16, 2015.** - Fixing minor issues in error handling in our registration and login views. - Adding tests for error handling in our registration and login views. Version 0.3.5 ------------- **Released on February 11, 2015.** - Upgrading dependencies. Version 0.3.4 ------------- **Released on February 11, 2015.** - Upgrading our Stormpath python dependency. Lots of bugfixes / improvements included. - Allowing users to customize the base Stormpath template via a new setting: ``STORMPATH_BASE_TEMPLATE``. Version 0.3.3 ------------- **Released on January 28, 2015.** - Upgrading our Stormpath python dependency. This gets us lots of bugfixes / speed improvements. Version 0.3.2 ------------- **Released on January 27, 2015.** - Fixing issue with singletons. We were previously NOT using a client singleton, which means in-memory caching would not work :( Version 0.3.1 ------------- **Released on December 23, 2014.** - Fixing critical issue where version info caused startup errors. The resolution is to remove dynamic versioning that depends on ``setup.py``. Version 0.3.0 ------------- **Released on December 8, 2014.** - Fixing minor issue with user agent. - Updating stormpath dependency to latest release. - Adding support for caching (*with local memory, memcached, and redis*). - Adding caching docs. - Dynamically handling library versions. Version 0.2.9 ------------- **Released on November 7, 2014.** - Adding support for Google login's `hd` attribute. Version 0.2.8 ------------- **Released on September 20, 2014.** - Fixing bug in forgot() view -- the user object passed to the template wasn't an actual user object. Version 0.2.7 ------------- **Released on September 10, 2014.** - Adding the ability to set a user's status when calling ``User.create()``. Version 0.2.6 ------------- **Released on July 14, 2014.** - Adding in easy 'Password Reset' functionality. If a developer enables this functionality, users can easily reset their passwords securely. This feature is disabled by default. Version 0.2.5 ------------- **Released on June 24, 2014.** - Fixing bug in built-in registration view. When new users registered, the first name would be inserted into the last name field. Version 0.2.4 ------------- **Released on June 16, 2014.** - Fixing bug which affected the login page when `STORMPATH_ENABLE_REGISTRATION` was disabled. - Fixing bug which affected the registration page when `STORMPATH_ENABLE_LOGIN` was disabled. Version 0.2.3 ------------- **Released on May 22, 2014.** - Adding a proper user agent. Version 0.2.2 ------------- **Released on May 20, 2014.** - Adding new setting: ``STORMPATH_COOKIE_DOMAIN``. This allows users to specify which domain(s) the session cookie will be good for. - Adding new setting: ``STORMPATH_COOKIE_DURATION``. This allows users to specify how long a session will last (as a ``timedelta`` object). - Adding docs on expiring sessions / cookies. Version 0.2.1 ------------- **Released on May 16, 2014.** - Fixing bug in package: templates weren't being included. Version 0.2.0 ------------- **Released on May 14, 2014.** - Adding customizable user settings. - Adding support for social login via Gacebook. - Adding support for social login via Facebook. - Adding an automatic logout view. - Adding an automatic login view. - Adding an automatic registration view. - Adding built-in routes for logout / login / register. - Adding customizable registration / login pages. - Adding built in templates for registration and login (with social included). - Adding new documentation. Version 0.1.0 ------------- **Released on March 26, 2014.** - Adding a simple way to create new user accounts via ``User.create()``. - Adding documentation for new ``User.create()`` method. - Adding a groups_required decorator, which makes it easy to assert Group membership in views. - Adding docs for new groups_required decorator. - Using the lastest Python SDK as a dependency. Version 0.0.1 ------------- **Released on February 19, 2014.** - First release! - Basic functionality. - Basic docs. - Lots to do!